Having trained as a Creatively Fit™ coach, John is passionate about working with groups and individuals to explore their creativity. The work he does in this space is especially geared to “non-artists” as he guides them to play in a safe space with no focus on the outcome. It is all about enjoying the process and experiencing the deep inner healing and personal growth that comes as a result of doing this.
When you engage with the creative part of yourself (and YES, everybody has a creative spark inside of them somewhere!) you will discover a new freedom, a new joy that puts you more in control of your own being. We all know this stuff, from deep inside. John’s role is to help you to tap into this infinite well and see what lies in there for you and to learn what is possible for you.
Get Started Now!
John undertook his training with Whitney Freya and has an affiliate relationship with her, allowing you the opportunity to access a range of online courses here. So just click on this link http://bit.ly/paint_with_Whitney_Freya so you can get started right away!