
John Rodriquez, an expert facilitator of healing and change at the infinite well. Hi there! I’m here today to share my story with you…..
I was travelling happily through life. I had a good education, a loving family, a secure profession that I enjoyed and provided a respectable income and a nice, late model car. I owned my own home (almost!) so life was great…but something was missing!
In fact, my nana once told me that I had lost my spark! That hurt me deeply but I didn’t now how to go about finding it, so I meandered on through life for many years.
I thought I was doing well until I realised that this was just a disguise. I was an imposter in my own body, merrily living my life according to what others expected of me, and believing all sorts of things that had been inadvertently programmed in to my psyche.
Then I learned how to meditate, met some great mentors and teachers and started to learn about the parts of me that had been progressively shut down over the years. I learned how to go inside and find my spark and fan it into a burning flame that now powers me.
It was like that lost little boy, who is now a grown man, had finally arrived home… I had come home to me!
I am now a singer, songwriter, poet, artist and expert facilitator of healing and change. I am passionate about helping people and teams who may have lost their way to find themselves again, and to rediscover their joy.
I use a variety of creative arts and a mix of healing modalities at the infinite well to help people and teams find and believe in themselves to enable them to come back home to who they truly are, opening their door to infinite wellbeing. Yes, teams can enjoy infinite wellbeing too!
So, if you are looking to change about your life or your team dynamics, I’d love to hear from you. Click here to contact me
As I have travelled on my journey through life, I have tried many things to help me grow to be the best version of myself and to heal. What I found, was that no one particular program, concept or modality delivered the goods. I thought each one was great at the time, but found myself searching for more.
This took me on a path of exploration where I have come to learn that the best results can be achieved by combining elements of all of them, mixing, matching and blending as needed.
This led me to acquire a broad range of tools in my toolkit and become trained in a broad range of modalities. This way I can make sure that we choose the most effective combination to meet your specific needs. You will have a high level of control over your process.
PS…For those who want to know about my credentials, I am formally trained and certified in the following:
- Reiki
- ThetaHealing®
- AromaTouch®
- SoulCollage®
- Meditation Teaching
- Human Resources Management
- Health & Safety
- Nirvana®
- Creatively Fit™ Coaching
- Sound Healing
John, the Creative Artist!

For my own self-healing practice…..I am a creative artist in my own right. Check out my creative gems here
John, the Musician!

I am a singer, songwriter who writes music specially designed to be uplifting and self-affirming, to promote healing and personal growth….I failed as a country song-writer because the dog didn’t die, the wife didn’t leave me and all was good and rosy in the end. Have a listen to my music here Open Spotify Link
John, the Community Music Champion!

In my spare time (LOL) I manage a community music organisation called Singclusion Inc – whose aim is to create and promote social inclusion and harmony (pun intended) through community singing. Singclusion is the parent organisation that looks after a free-to-public multicultural choir called Mixed Beans, that operates out of Beenleigh. Check out what they have been doing here Mixed Beans Choir
Why do I have so many interests and creative pursuits?
I am a multipotentialite – a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do. Being a multipotentialite is our destiny. We have many paths and we pursue all of them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both). As soon as I realised this, my life suddenly made sense! I then discovered a way to combine all of these interests and pursuits under one umbrella, called the infinite well
If you want to learn more about multipotentialites, check out Emilie Wapnick at her website because it was her insight that opened up this new world for me.